Monday, August 31, 2015

DUI Arrest Contests are Back

DUI, DUI Arrest, DUI Arrest Contest, Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers, MADD
DUI Arrest Contests
Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) awarded the University of Florida Police Department with the “Outstanding Dedication to DUI Enforcement and Prevention - University/College Agency” award. Last year alone, UFPD made 97 DUI arrests. According to statistics, approximately 300,000 people drive impaired everyday. 

There are no statistics on how many of those arrested were later cleared of charges

An even more alarming number is nearly 30 people in the U.S. die everyday as a result of an impaired driver. Please do not drink and drive! However, if you have the unfortunate circumstance of being arrested for driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs, please contact our office as soon as possible so we can begin working with you to arrive at a just result.

DUI Check Points are Back in Gainesville

After a several year hiatus, DUI check points are making there comeback in Gainesville. The last DUI Checkpoint in Gainesville was December 31, 2013. However, members of the Florida Highway Patrol, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office and Gainesville Police Department started back up again on June 26, 2015 with a DUI Checkpoint on Archer Road. According the Gainesville Police Department Facebook page, “The Checkpoint serves as an educational tool and reminder for those driving the roadways of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages.” 
Gainesville, FL
DUI Checkpoint

Please do not drink and drive, however, if you or someone you know has had the unfortunate experience of being arrested for driving under the influence, please contact the experienced attorneys at Michael P. Maddux, P.A. to assist you in navigating through both the Division of Motor Vehicle System as well as the Criminal Justice System.